Year end thank you and happy festive season!

By Steve Gates

Dear NRPG members and interested,

On behalf of our Committee, I’d like to thank you all as members and/or supporters of our NRPG Bushcarers over this past year!

It does make a difference to have your engagement and backing when we engage with decision makers.

We’ve continued our efforts to advocate for our Environment and working to engage with more people, including briefly:

·       Our 3rd annual Forest Festival at Stirk Park this time.

·       Several speaker evening events at the Kalamunda Hotel.

·       Guiding members of our community’s enquiries on local environmental matters.

·       Engagement with local schools on Citizen Science projects including fascinating Phascogale E-DNA and other research.

·       Having stalls at various local events.

·       Meeting with the new Kalamunda CEO and ongoing engagement with Environmental staff.

·       Making deputations to Council.

·       Liaising with other bigger-picture environmental organisations such as the Conservation Council of WA, the Urban Bushland Council, WA Forest Alliance and many more.

·       Many submissions to City of Kalamunda and other state and federal issues which impact our local bushland and surrounding areas such as Perth Airport, Brixton Street wetlands, Bushmead, our forests, etc. (Posted on our website).

We hope you have a happy festive season and look forward to your continued support in 2025.

Happy New Year!

Steve Gates



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