Forest Matters September 2023
Dear NRPG members and interested,
Another informative update from the WA Forest Alliance.
Kind regards,
Steve Gates
President, NRPG Bushcarers
Forest Matters September 2023
Latest forest updates from WAFA
![]() WAFA has been going through some big internal changes too, and we’re saying goodbye to two much-loved members of our team, Nelson Gilmour and Jinni Wilson. Nelson has worked alongside me in the Kwoorabup office for the past 3 years, ably coordinating the legal case against Rio Tinto and stepping in to multiple projects with humour, commitment and a deeply-principled approach to everything he does. Jinni has been writing, publishing and coordinating socials, blogs, websites and doing media liaison, and taking stunning photos of trees and forests, as our media officer and Wadandi country correspondent, bringing thoughtful, creative, contextual talent to everything she does. WAFA is incredibly fortunate to have a supportive, respectful and collaborative culture, and such a highly skilled and dedicated team. This is built and maintained by all of us every day in the way we approach our work and our team mates, and Nelson and Jinni have both contributed to this significantly. We wish them both the very best in their next endeavours. Warm regards, and in solidarity for the forests, Jess Beckerling WAFA Director Northern Jarrah Forests Alcoa Last month, the EPA decided that our referrals of Alcoa’s Mining Management Plans were valid, and called for public comments on the level of assessment it should set. Many thanks to everyone who made a submission. The EPA received a whopping 2572 comments, with 80% of these calling for a full Public Environmental Review. This is an extraordinary level of response for this 7-day stage of the EPA process and shows that there is very high community expectation that Alcoa be reined in and subject to the highest level of environmental regulation. After 60 years of Alcoa sidestepping environmental and social protections, and clearing 28,000 hectares of the Northern Jarrah Forests, it is time for the State Government to take action, draw a line, and protect these forests in secure National Parks. While the EPA is considering the appropriate level of assessment, Alcoa is pushing back hard. We need to ensure that Premier Cook and Ministers McGurk (Water) and Whitby (Environment and Climate Action) take a strong stance to protect the south west forests against this US mining behemoth. It is critical that the EPA goes ahead with a full and robust assessment for both Alcoa’s Mining and Management Programs and the upcoming Public Environmental Review of their proposed expansions. It is also imperative that the State Government acts to protect these precious, biodiverse forests in National Parks where they, and our water catchments, will be safe. Please write to the government decision-makers today to tell them you want to stop Alcoa threatening our water and forests. This is a critical time to be having your voice heard. ![]() ![]() We have submitted an appeal to the WA Appeals Convenor calling for the plan to be remitted to the EPA for further assessment, and for a suite of binding and specific Ministerial Conditions to be imposed. We’ll let you know what happens next. Thinning trials WAFA staff and a couple of committee members went on a tour of the thinning trial in Munro forest off the Kirup Grimwade road with Dr Katinka Ruthrof and others a few weeks ago. It was useful to see the different methodologies that have been applied, and speak to the scientists involved about the pros and cons of each approach, and how they see the program developing. The Munro trial has been carried out in a largely even-aged, dense regrowth jarrah forest that was intensively logged in the 1980s. Four different methods have been applied: trees cut and everything, including tops, removed; trees cut and the bole removed but tops left on the ground; trees cut and everything left; and trees poisoned or ring-barked and left standing. In all cases a minimum of 15m2 basal area was left standing. This means that the forest has been thinned back to a more or less natural density, and the canopy remains largely contiguous – a very different situation to some of the thinning for water or timber that goes as low as 10m2 basal area and looks like a classic destructive logging operation. We were left with a number of unanswered questions and ongoing concerns. While we can see that light, cautious, strictly controlled thinning in minesite rehabilitation and dense immature regrowth can have benefits, these strict controls are not in place, there are no limitations to where the program could be applied – we haven’t even be assured that it will only be in immature regrowth and rehab – what basal area would be retained, what size machinery would be used, how habitat will be protected etc. This is totally unacceptable and could easily become logging by stealth. There is a solution to this. The Minister for Environment can impose binding and prescriptive Ministerial Conditions on the next Forest Management Plan and limit any thinning to these unnaturally dense, young regrowth forests and minesite rehabilitation under strict trial conditions with no fixed contracts. We have made detailed submissions on this, and we encourage you to get in touch with Minister Whitby and your own local MPs to express your concerns. ![]() Jarrah is just too precious to go up in smoke. If you’ve been seeing evidence of illegal firewooding in your area please make sure it’s reported to DBCA, let your local MP know and follow up to tell them what response you had from DBCA. ![]() Join us to create a Giant Black Cockatoo! Wear black and bring a black umbrella to help put pressure on our politicians to stop Alcoa destroying the forest habitat of these threatened birds and ensure the Northern Jarrah Forests are protected. Please register so we have some idea of numbers to plan the cockatoo formation. ![]() Jane Hammond’s award-winning documentary is still showing at cinemas and community events around the country. The film has been nominated for the Change Award at the prestigious Adelaide Film Festival. The Festival runs from the 18th to 29th of October, and the public will get the chance to vote for the feature film they feel best fosters positive social or environmental impact. Find upcoming screenings on the graphic below, or head to the Black Cockatoo Crisis website for the latest updates. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |