Urban Bushland Council of WA Talk: Linking Spaces to Save Species and other news.

By Steve Gates

Dear NRPG members and interested,

For your information.

Kind regards,
Steve Gates

President, NRPG Bushcarers

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  Dear UBC Group Members & Supporters,
Some news to share in this email:Our June talk and General Meeting – Linking spaces to save species – with Dr Jane Chambers from NatureLink Perth – 29 June from 6:00 pmComplete Australia’s largest volunteering survey ever – Volunteering AustraliaMeet Johanna Riddell, Project Officer for UBC State NRM grantNative Vegetation Policy releasedGnangara Groundwater Allocation Plan releasedConsultation process – Environmental offsets metric inputs  Linking Spaces to Save SpeciesUBC invites you to an evening talking about the importance of ecological linkages. Loss, fragmentation and degradation of habitat are recognised as one of 6 main threats to our biodiversity. So linking spaces saves species. Join us on Wednesday 29 June 2022 from 6:00 pm at City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi Street West Perth. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
The team at NatureLink Perth have carried out huge amounts of work researching the most cost effect ecological linkages to save species and ecosystems. Now they have created an interactive platform to enable you to engage with NatureLinks near you, to make them stronger and help sustain our biodiversity. Learn how to use this tool to see how your patch links to others. This could help with your bush regeneration and advocacy strategies.

Our speaker is Dr Jane Chambers from NatureLink Perth and Murdoch University.  Jane is a Senior Lecturer in Aquatic Ecology at Murdoch University and her research interests focus on wetlands, rivers and estuaries, primarily in the areas of ecosystem processes, management and restoration. She has lead he development of NatureLink Perth. 
Photo by Marg Owen  Special Resolution – General Meeting – 29 June 2022The UBC Committee recommends that the Friends of Perry Lakes Inc be admitted to membership of the Urban Bushland Council. 
Friends of Perry Lakes Inc
Purpose: To participate in and advocate for the conservation, restoration and enhancement of the Perry Lakes and Alderbury Reserve natural environment, infrastructure and cultural heritage for the enjoyment of current and future generations.
The objects of the Association are: Provide support, advice and an independent voice to the Town of Cambridge (ToC) on matters relating to the conservation, restoration and enhancement of Perry Lakes and Alderbury Reserve.Provide resources (volunteer time, funding, equipment) to complement and assist the Town of Cambridge in the monitoring, maintaining and improving Perry Lakes and Alderbury Reserve.Provide an opportunity for like-minded community members to enhance their health and wellbeing through participation and social interaction on activities relating to the management of the site. Raise awareness of the natural and cultural significance and history of the site to residents and users so they can support its conservation.For decision   Volunteering Australia Volunteer SurveyThe Volunteering in Australia organisation survey is a historic opportunity to capture the current state of volunteering, map trends, and consider how volunteering may evolve into the future.

Volunteering Australia, in partnership with Curtin University, Griffith University, and the University of Western Australia, is conducting the largest ever survey of volunteer involving organisations in Australia. If you are a volunteer manager or otherwise represent a group involving volunteers, you are invited you to have your say on the future of volunteering. By participating in the survey, you will help build the most comprehensive understanding of volunteering in Australia’s history.

The findings of this research will inform the development of the National Strategy for Volunteering, which will provide a blueprint for a reimagined future for volunteering in Australia.
Closing date: 14 June   Meet Johanna Riddell, Project Officer for UBC State NRM grantUBC is pleased to introduce Johanna Riddell, our new project officer who will work part-time for the next 12 months on building community capacity to care for urban bushland. Johanna brings a wealth of experience to the role having worked most recently with the Friends of Lake Claremont when she was a bushcare officer for the Town of Claremont and as a teacher at the Bold Park Community School where she coordinated courses about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
You can read more about the project in the latest edition of the Bushland News – where we featured on the front cover. Thank you Julia and Anna for the coverage. Photo – Johanna Riddell 
Native vegetation policy for Western AustraliaThe Native Vegetation Policy for Western Australia has now been released. Many of you will remember that UBC and  some of our Member Groups were involved in the consultation process and made submissions.  You can find our campaign page here. In summary, the policy released is a whole-of-government approach for a net improvement in native vegetation although its strategies are neither as ambitious as required, nor adequately funded. 
Gnangara Groundwater Allocation Plan releasedThe State Government has now released the Gnangara ground water allocation plan. This plan will require water users across the system to reduce their abstraction to ensure the long-term sustainability of groundwater resources.  Many of you will remember that UBC and  some of our Member Groups were involved in the consultation process and made submissions. You can find our page here and the UBC submission here. In summary, the new plan includes a significant reduction in abstraction of water, but not as large a reduction as we advocated. Whilst more can be done by all to reduce water use, we commend Minister Kelly for reducing domestic bore water use.
 Draft Procedure for environmental offsets metric inputsThe latest consultation process of vital importance for our native vegetation relates to the WA environmental offsets metric (calculator and guidelines) where additional guidance is needed to help users understand the ranges of metric inputs and their rationale. Online public workshops have been scheduled and once UBC has more information we will be in touch to seek your input. 
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