UBC Forum “Understanding the Environmental Protection Act (1986) and how it can save urban bushland”

By Steve Gates

Dear NRPG members and interested,

In late 2022, the Urban Bushland Council held an excellent forum “Understanding the Environmental Protection Act (1986) and how it can save urban bushland”

The presentations (including by Prof Matthew Tonts, Chair Environmental Protection Authority) from this are available at: https://www.bushlandperth.org.au/resources/presentations-videos-and-references/

Professor Tonts gives interesting insights on how helpful it is to the EPA for the general public to make environmental ‘referrals’ on anything they notice which may be suspicious, such as land-clearing. Referrals can be as simple as a brief email to the EPA.

I encourage you to check them out to learn more about the opportunities and limitations that our environmental laws offer/constrain us!

Kind regards,
Steve Gates

President, NRPG Bushcarers


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