Short Notice – Public Agenda Briefing on final Draft Urban Forest Strategy – Tues 14 Feb (Today!)
Dear NRPG members and interested,
The Kalamunda Urban Forest Strategy is important and you may like to attend the Briefing tomorrow for information.
Please also note this briefing will include consideration for the adoption of the Kalamunda Climate Change Action Plan.
Kind regards,
Steve Gates
President, NRPG Bushcarers
Dear Stakeholder,
The City thanks you for your valuable feedback on the Draft Urban Forest Strategy 2020 during the consultation period, which occurred in December 2020 and January 2021. The City is pleased to inform you that the feedback provided by stakeholders has been considered and a revised Draft Urban Forest Strategy 2023-2043 has been prepared. The City are recommending that Council adopt the revised draft for further public consultation.
The Draft Urban Forest Strategy 2023-2043 will be considered at the next Public Agenda Briefing which provides the opportunity for Elected Members to be equally informed and seek additional information on matters prior to the presentation of such matters to the next Ordinary Council Meeting for formal consideration and decision.
Should you wish to attend, the details of the Public Agenda Briefing are below:
Date: Tuesday 14th February 2023 (tomorrow)
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Location: Administration Centre, Council Chambers; 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda (Map)
The agenda and a copy of the final Draft Urban Forest Strategy 2023-2043 can be viewed on the City’s website, at the following link:
Please do not hesitate to contact the City should you have any queries regarding the Public Agenda Briefing, on 9257 9999 or via email at [email protected].
Kind regards,
Carli O’Brien
Environmental Planner