Save the Carnaby’s nest site at Cocanarup

By Steve Gates

ear NRPG members and interested,

Please have your say…

Kind regards,

Steve Gates

President, NRPG Bushcarers

Cocanarup Timber Reserve is under threat, with Bulletin Resources planning to clear 6 hectares of the reserve near Ravensthorpe. Take action today by making a quick submission to the Federal Government by Wednesday 5 April 2023.
Click on ‘Make Comment’
Title: Protect Cocanarup from lithium mining
Click on ‘YES’ for it to be a controlled action.
Provide reasons which could include the following:

1. This beautiful ancient Salmon gum ecosystem is home to three species on the federal government’s list of 110 threatened species for priority action. I do not want to see any mining or other clearing activities happening in this important habitat. Clearing this area would make a mockery of the plans to save the following species:

• The Ngolyenok (Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo). The area is one of two key breeding sites for this endangered species. While larger trees are to be kept the birds may be put off nesting by lack of forage from smaller plants and by general disturbance of the site.

• The Gnow (Mallee Fowl). This bird is a ground-dwelling including its nesting habits which rely on burying eggs in mounds of earth and is vulnerable to extinction

• The Chuditch (Western Quoll). This rare marsupial relies on mammals and birds in the understory which is to be cleared.

2. It is also part of the Fitz-Stirling complex, one of twenty priority places listed under the Federal Threatened Species Action Plan – an ecocline and habitat corridor between two of the most biodiverse areas in Australia, the Fitzgerald River National Park and the Stirling Ranges.

3. Aboriginal people from across the state visit the area to pay their respects as it is a massacre site associated with a significant memorial. We should not disturb a cemetery area to explore for minerals.
FURTHER ACTIONS YOU CAN TAKE Right now, it’s vital that the WA Government hears how strongly the community feels about the future of Cocanarup and the Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo. You can help ensure they make the right decision by sending an email to:
• Premier Mark McGowan: [email protected]
• Bill Johnstone, WA Minister for Mines, petroleum and energy:    [email protected]
• Reece Whitby, WA Minister for the Environment: [email protected]
• Tanya Plibersek, Federal Minister for the Environment: [email protected]

The Cocanarup Conservation Alliance have proposed a new Cocanarup-Kundip Reserve to protect and enhance the biodiversity values of the Ravensthorpe region. You can read more about it on their website: Thank you for caring about the Black Cockatoos, from the STBC team.
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We acknowledge and pay our respects to the traditional owners of the South West forests across the Noongar/Bibbulmun nation. This always was and always will be Aboriginal land. 


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