Recent activities of NRPG Kalamunda Bush Carers

By Claire

HANS LAMBERS guided tour of Alison Baird Reserve

At the Alison Baird Reserve bushwalk with Professor Hans Lambers, Sunday 1st November, we had a good turnout and although lightly raining, it was a pleasant respite from yesterday. It was so good to see a natural area untouched since 1948 when UWA purchased it! Hans had everyone entranced with the amazing intricacies of the plants and interactions with soils, water and each other!

One of these is a plant which needs fresh water but lives in an area where only salty water is available – the fascinating discovery is that it survives by using the uniquely-available calcium ions from the degraded granite which flows down from the hills, to displace the sodium ions in the brackish water!

Hans is happy to do another walk at various times of the year when different plants are flowering, plus work with NRPG to advocate for a large park to be formed to tie a number of reserves together like the proposed Foothills Regional Park – a ‘Kings Park’ of the eastern metro area.

We will wait to hear the outcome of a meeting in 2 weeks between Hans and DBCA and EPA, which may give some direction….

If anyone would like to become involved with advocating for this please contact Steve Gates NRPG President at [email protected]

for pictures go to the NRPG Facebook page

Aileen Reid attended this seminar run by the Wildflower Society of WA (WSWA) on 23 February at Bold Park.  A diverse group of speakers spoke on the positives and negatives of environmental offsets. 


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