Perth Airport – 2 new Major Development Proposals for Public Comment – Airport Central + Airport North

By Steve Gates

Dear NRPG members and interested,

Perth Airport has recently released two “Preliminary Draft Major Development plans” for public comment each open for 60 days: See: These both propose further clearing of native vegetation as you can see from the map below, and NRPG intends to make submissions, but you may also be interested in making your own.

  • Airport Central (due by 31 Jan 2023)


  • Airport North (due by 2 Mar 2023) – largest loss of native vegetation, for commercial (non-aviation related) development

NRPG has been lobbying Perth Airport and the Federal Government for many years, to preserve the original ‘conservation areas’ at the airport, and we are still awaiting a reply from the new Environment Minster Plibersek.

One key point: we do not believe any environmental assessments or use of ‘offsets’ for clearing should be finalised until after a full overhaul of the federal Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act has been completed, to address the serious issues and failings over the past 20+ years, as raised in the recent Graeme Samuels Interim Review of the Act. Further reading around this: and

Second key point (relating to mostly to Airport North): The proposed plan to clear native vegetation for commercial developments  (non-aviation related) is simply for revenue for Perth Airport, and has occurred at other sites on the airport. The Commonwealth could reimburse Perth Airport for the ‘opportunity loss’ for not clearing and developing commercial sites.

Note that there will be no chance for further Public input after this, before it is considered by the Federal government for approval.

Kind regards,
Steve Gates

President, NRPG Bushcarers


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