Keep Rio Tinto out of the Northern Jarrah Forest

By Steve Gates

Dear NRPG members and interested,

The impact of a new wave and massive expansion of mining projects in large areas of our native forests is a serious threat, adding to many other impacts which are also threatening their health and survival.

An alliance of WA conservation groups including the Wilderness Society is working hard to save them from this destructive industry, particularly as the State government has committed to ending logging in our native forest by 2024. (The industry needs to look elsewhere at less critical locations for resources).

NRPG has committed to support the campaign effort through the WAFA Forest Charter, and you may also like to contribute to help save them.

Kind regards,
Steve Gates

President, NRPG Bushcarers

Fund the court case today!

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Dear Steve,

Do you know what place in Western Australia has 8,000 species of wildflowers? Or where 80% of the plants and animals that call this place exist nowhere else on Earth?

It’s the South West biodiversity hotspot—and one of its major features is the Northern Jarrah Forest.

And yet, it is here—in this unique native forest ecosystem—that Rio Tinto have submitted applications for ten separate exploration permits.

If approved, these exploration permits could allow for the continued destruction of native forests in Western Australia—a stone’s throw from the Perth metropolitan area.

The Wilderness Society, along with the WA Forest Alliance and over 150 other environmental organisations and individuals, have lodged formal objections to these applications. And on Friday, 22 July, these objections will be heard at the Perth Mining Warden’s Court.

Will you chip in $15 today and to help raise $5,000, so that our lawyers can build the best case possible?


The Northern Jarrah Forest is a unique and biodiverse native forest ecosystem. The magnificent jarrah and marri trees provide habitat and food sources for a plethora of threatened species—including all three of Western Australia’s black cockatoo species.

It’s cliche, but true, that this area is under threat of a death by a thousand cuts.

The IPCC recently cited the whole native jarrah forest ecosystem as at very high risk of severe impacts at the forecast levels of warming.

And bauxite mining in this area is already destroying habitat. If a company like Rio Tinto gets a foothold, it will be easier for it and other companies to log, clear and mine the Northern Jarrah Forests.

Right now, our lawyers are building a case to present at the hearing. Will you donate $15 today to keep Rio Tinto out of the Northern Jarrah Forests?


At a time when the South West native forests in Western Australia should be receiving greater levels of protection, it is unconscionable that a company like Rio Tinto could be allowed access to this spectacular forest. Thank you for your support.

Yours for nature,

WA Campaigns Manager
Wilderness Society

Help us to protect Australia’s beautiful nature for generations to come.


Authorised by Patrick Gardner

© The Wilderness Society WA Inc – we’re here to support life because life supports us.
2 Delhi St, West Perth, WA, 6005, Australia.

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