Have your say on ‘The Big Picture’ – Facilities Parks & Reserves in the City of Kalamunda – By 3rd July 2023

By Steve Gates

Dear NRPG members and interested,

Here is a chance to have your say on a wide range of proposed changes to
facilities, parks and reserves in the City of Kalamunda, by drop-in
sessions, workshops or online, by 3 July (ignore any date conflict as I've
verified with the City): https://engage.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/bigpicture 
The Big Picture
Comments close 5pm on Monday 3 July 2023
Our community facilities are ageing, and the way we use them is changing. A
new approach is required to meet the needs of current and future generations
across the entire City of Kalamunda, which is why the City of has drafted a
Big Picture Vision for Community Facilities.
This vision is driven by two aspirations:
To provide modern 21st Century facilities that are effective, efficient
and serve the needs of current and future generations.
To reduce, over time, the cost burden to ratepayers from the City
operating, maintaining and renewing poorly utilised aging facilities, and to
remove duplication of services.
The community have been asking for new facilities for the past decade,
evidenced through the many strategic community engagement processes the City
has undertaken. It's now over to you to let us know what you think of the
City's Big Picture Vision.
The City is seeking feedback on the draft Plan. The feedback will be
considered prior to making modifications and consideration of the Plan for
final adoption.
Kind regards,
Steve Gates
President, NRPG Bushcarers


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