Government hands the Jarrah forests to Alcoa

By Steve Gates

Dear NRPG members and interested.


Some quick actions you can take to save our forests from irrecoverable destruction from bauxite mining, which the WA govt has just approved, overriding the Environmental Protection Authority

We need a massive response from the community to say we won’t accept this! SO please take a moment to do so….

Kind regards,
Steve Gates

President, NRPG Bushcarers

WAFA logo with WAFA in fluro green and WA Forest Alliance in black letters 
 The Cook Government has handed the jarrah forests to Alcoa in another appalling example of their total disregard for the role of the EPA and the protection of the environment. Finally, after 60 years of clearing our jarrah forests and threatening our water supply, Alcoa will likely be facing a full environmental review by the EPA. But before this can even get underway, the Premier has said ‘you can keep mining’. The community has been fighting hard to have Alcoa’s regulatory framework brought into the 21st Century and Premier Cook has totally failed us. Again, we are seeing the WA Labor Government showing total disregard for the role of the EPA. There are some piecemeal concessions for the forests, cockatoos and water, but they are just small scraps off Alcoa’s table. This exemption order will allow Alcoa to keep destroying ancient, highly biodiverse jarrah forests. We know that it is impossible to regrow these forests after clearing and mining. Once they’re gone, they’re gone forever. The fact that Alcoa will be allowed to select the people who monitor compliance with conditions speaks volumes. This is another appalling decision by the Cook Government on the environment that will be met with anger and outrage by the WA community.Read more on WAtoday Email Government decision-makers  A collage of jarrah forest and bauxite mining overlaid with text  Please contact your local MP, the Premier and Ministers Whitby and McGurk today by using the End Forest Mining email template and phoning their office to leave a message.  Let them know how outraged you are, and that you will redoubling your efforts to protect the forests in 2024. Ministerial office numbers:Premier Roger Cook (08) 6552 5000
Minister for Environment Reece Whitby (08) 6552 6300
Minister for Water Simone McGurk (08) 6552 6600

Find your local MP’s details here. Email Government decision-makers With solidarity,Jess Jess Beckerling
Campaign Director | WA Forest Alliance        We acknowledge and pay our respects to the traditional owners of the southwest forests across the Noongar/Bibbulmun nation. This always was and always will be Aboriginal land.
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