Follow-up – Vote for the Environment in the Kalamunda Council Election by 21st October 2023
As a followup to help your voting decision, please see the link below with a survey to each of the Candidates on their positions and accomplishments from Perth Hills Climate Change Interest Group (PHCCIG). Only some have responded so far.
Kind regards,
Steve Gates
On 10 Oct 2023, at 9:34 pm, Steve Gates <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear NRPG members and interested,
In this local government election, the NRPG would like to encourage you to carefully consider the environmental record and views of the candidates, so that we can continue to see progressive strategies and policies which have been adopted by the City of Kalamunda Council over this last term.
These include the Local Biodiversity Strategy, Climate Change Action Plan, Local Environment Strategy, Tree Preservation Policy, updated Cat By-laws and others.
It is important that the Council retains a progressive view on environmental initiatives so that these and others can be continued effectively.
This election is different as it allows for ‘preferential voting’ so you may choose to vote for only one candidate, or you may number your lesser preferences for others, but note that you do not have to number all of them. Note that if your first preference/s are not successful, those votes will flow to the next preferences, which means it is possible that one of your lower preferences may receive your vote. So please consider whether you are comfortable with any of your preferences receiving your vote.
If you have any questions, please ask the candidates via their contacts on the voting papers
Thank you,
Steve Gates
President, NRPG Bushcarers