Community rights update – May EPBC events to show community power

By Steve Gates

Dear NRPG members and interested,

At a time when both our state and federal governments are letting us down on desperately needed improvements on both environmental and climate change laws, and even worse, are being weakened and sidelined, we need to strongly voice our disappointment and need for this to change if we are to have any hope of saving our planet and ourselves from a seriously degraded future.

Please make an effort to come to an event here in Perth or Fremantle to show your support and interest!

Kind regards,
Steve Gates

President, NRPG Bushcarers

From: Sam Szoke-Burke <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 1:39 PM
To: Victoria Jack <[email protected]>
Subject: Community rights update – May EPBC events to show community power

Dear all,

We are thrilled that your organisation is one of almost 100 that have now signed onto the letter to Tanya Plibersek calling for community rights in environmental decision-making to be enshrined in federal nature reforms. 

The proposed changes to Australia’s nature law are a key policy opening for the advancement of community rights in environmental decision-making, and we need your help to make this a reality.

Today, we are writing to ask your help in maximising the attendance at community events in ALP electorates taking place this month. The Albanese government recently announced that it is breaking the reforms up into stages, with most of the broader package now hanging in the balance. It is vital that we show the government the strong public demand for nature laws that enshrine a fair say for the community and protect the cultural and self-determination rights of First Nations.  

Each event is different – everything from demonstrations outside an MP’s office, to film and trivia nights, nature walks, and even terrarium building. But all are designed to show the Albanese government the strong public pressure for nature laws that work, and that ensure a fair say for the public.

Please help us make these events as impactful as possible by coming along and sharing with your networks. 

Best wishes,

Sam Szoke-Burke and Victoria Jack

P.s. there are some additional community rights updates below Sam’s signature.

Sam Szoke-BurkeBiodiversity Policy and Campaign ManagerPh: 0412 437

We recognise First Nations as the custodians of land and water across Australia and pay our respects to Elders past and present. We acknowledge sovereignty was never ceded.

Other updates

Moreton community builds pressure for nature laws that ensure a fair say for the public.

Last week we held the first of many community events on federal nature laws that will be taking place in May 2024. 

The event was in Moreton / Brisbane, and was attended by ALP MP Graham Perrett, who showed up early and was one of the last to leave, and also posted about it on Facebook afterwards. Uncle Paul Spearim from Queensland Conservation Council and Aunty Deb Sandy also shared important First Nations perspectives.

We had a full house, and were able to amplify the community’s voice by having community members meet with Graham in advance of the event and TWS campaigners meet with him the following day.

We also reinforced our message with advertising outside his electoral office. As you see our public focus is laws that:

  • Stop deforestation
  • End extinctions
  • Ensure a fair say for the public

Parliamentarian support for community rights 

Independent MP Kylea Tink has strongly backed in community rights, launching a report on merits review commissioned by Lock the Gate, and calling for community rights to be enshrined in federal nature laws in a recent opinion piece.



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