City of Kalamunda: High Wycombe South (Forrestfield North) – Newsletter Update March 2023

By Clive Stubbington

Dear NRPG members and interested,

For your information.

Kind regards,
Steve Gates

President, NRPG Bushcarers

View this email in your browser  Newsletter Update – High Wycombe South (Forrestfield North)March 2023 Development Contribution Plan (DCP)As noted in previous newsletters, a report was presented to the OCM on 26 April 2022 whereby Council noted the overview of the key outcomes and information for the ongoing preparation of the High Wycombe South DCP.  The City has now finalised the key inputs informing the cost estimates for the DCP with the draft High Wycombe South DCP Report and associated Scheme Amendment to be presented to Council in April 2023.The draft DCP and Amendment will be discussed at the upcoming Public Agenda Briefing (PAB) Forum scheduled for 6:30pm this coming Tuesday 4 April 2023, to be held in the City of Kalamunda Council Chambers.  The matter will then be formally considered by Council at the upcoming Ordinary Meeting of Council (OCM), scheduled for 6:30pm on Tuesday 18 April 2023, also to be held in the City of Kalamunda Council Chambers.If you would like to address the PAB Forum, please arrive by 6:15pm to register your name.  If you are attending the PAB or OCM, the City recommends that you obtain a copy of the agenda, which can be viewed in the Agenda and Minutes section of the City’s website Copies of the agenda are also available from all City Libraries from Saturday 1 April 2023 for viewing and copying.The City has prepared Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the DCP to assist landowners and stakeholders and available on the City’s High Wycombe South Project PageAmendment to the Residential Precinct Local Structure PlanAt the Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) on 24 May 2022, the Council endorsed the High Wycombe South Local Structure Plan (LSP) Amendment, submissions, and recommended modifications, with the LSP Amendment lodged with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) in June 2022 for determination by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). 
A copy of the May 2022 OCM Agenda, Minutes and associated documents including the endorsed proposed LSP Amendment can be viewed via the following link: Agenda & Minutes | City of Kalamunda.
The proposed LSP Amendment was considered at the WAPC’s Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) meeting on 11 October 2022, with the City presenting a written deputation available here.  The City has received correspondence from the WAPC advising that the SPC resolved to:
 Require the applicant to modify the High Wycombe South Residential Precinct Local Structure Plan dated October 2021 in accordance with the attached Schedule of Modifications (Attachment 6) and resubmit to the Western Australian planning Commission for approval.  Request that the City of Kalamunda continue to observe its local planning scheme to ensure that off-site impacts from development south-west of Sultana Road West on existing and future residential development within the High Wycombe South Residential Precinct Local Structure Plan area are appropriately managed. 
The City is progressing modifications to the LSP Amendment and supporting technical reports for submission to the WAPC, and continuing to investigate, in consultation with State Government environmental agencies, and address any off-site impacts from light industrial development south-west of Sultana Road West.
The current WAPC approved Residential Precinct LSP can be viewed via  Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Precinct Activity Centre Structure Plan (ACSP)The draft TOD ACSP was adopted by the Council at the OCM on 12 October 2021, for the purposes of submission to DevelopmentWA for assessment, consultation, and determination.  A copy of the October OCM Agenda and Minutes including the draft TOD ACSP can be found at the following link: Agenda & Minutes | City of Kalamunda.

The draft TOD ACSP has been lodged with the planning authority, DevelopmentWA, and is required to undergo an assessment and advertising process. The City has been advised that DevelopmentWA are to recommence further establishment of the planning framework for the precinct, including the preparation of Design Guidelines and undertaking consultation with landowners and key stakeholders.
For further information on the future planning for the TOD Precinct please contact DevelopmentWA’s Planning team on 9482 7499 or via email [email protected]Landowner Clarifications 
Should landowners have any queries, comments or require clarification on the High Wycombe South project please contact the City’s Strategic Planning staff via phone 9257 9999 or email [email protected] to arrange a meeting.  TwitterFacebookWebsite   Copyright © 2022 City of Kalamunda All rights reserved.

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