Ask your MLA to Stop the Waves of Destruction – Please sign and share – Can you come to mini-action Wed arvo 24th Jan?

By Steve Gates

Dear NRPG members and interested,

We cannot continue to clear more of the last remnants of our amazing Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain and wetlands, for this proposed Surf Park. This proposal also contradicts the federal government’s commitment to the “Nature Positive Plan” to stop destroying our Environment, and instead, ‘rebuild’ it.

Please have your say on this destructive and unnecessary proposal, and ask your friends to also!

Kind regards,
Steve Gates

President, NRPG Bushcarers


The quest continues to save an endangered banksia woodland in Jandakot from the surf park.

Please sign and share the new letter campaign asking your MLA to stop the Waves of Destruction. Thanks

If the surf park is built in Jandakot – an endangered Banksia Woodland, critical foraging habit for black cockatoos and a Conservation Category Wetland will be destroyed. Unbelievably, the site was chosen by the WA Labor State Government!  Our public asset must be conserved. It should not be destroyed for a private, commercial venture. This beautiful banksia woodland is worth far more to the community than a surf park.

We also need 5- 10 bodies for a mini-event this Wednesday. Can you please respond to me if you can attend? Thanks


  • Wednesday 24th January, 4:30 – 6:00pm
  • Cockburn Central Train Station, Jandakot
  • Meet in park on Junction Blvd – under sunshade opposite train station entrance

Hold posters and hand out flyers asking people to sign the letter to their MLA – It’s not ok to destroy an endangered banksia woodland for a surf park. Move the surf park.


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