By Steve Gates

May CCWA Members Update

From our affiliate the Conservation Council of WA.

Kind regards,
Steve Gates

President, NRPG Bushcarers

Dear members,

The past month has been very busy for CCWA and the broader movement. Just three weeks ago history was made with shareholders rejecting Woodside’s climate plan – a massive wake up call to the company. A huge pat on the back is deserved by the broader WA & Australian climate movement for bringing about this huge step in the right direction and for tireless years of challenging the social license of fossil fuels in our state. We know that there is so much more work to do, and we will be with you every step of the way while we work to go beyond gas.

We’ve got a bit to share with you in this member update, most of it on CCWA’s work to defend WA’s nature.


CCWA’s Nature Program is Back!

In case you missed it, we are very excited to announce that that CCWA’s nature program is officially back in action, with the wonderful Rhiannon Hardwick as the new Nature Program Manager.

With Rhiannon’s leadership, we have been working closely with a number of member groups and other campaign partners to develop a powerful campaign for strong nature laws. I know that many groups have been eager to see CCWA take a leading role in this space and we are excited by the prospect of what we can achieve together. We’ll keep you updated on how the Nature Program is developing over the coming months and years and are looking forward to working with the many member groups who are already doing such good work in this area.

Defend WA Nature Campaign

The first item on the agenda for our Nature Program has been to work with member groups and partners on establishing a compressive campaign to defend WA’s nature. Last night we held a briefing for member groups on the next steps of this campaign and were blown away by the enthusiasm of our movement towards our plans.

Momentum is everything with campaigns such as these and the support of our member groups and friends will be what wins this campaign. If you couldn’t make it to the briefing or would like to recap, you can find a recording of the session here.


Advocacy for strong nature laws:

Please see our MP briefers on the WA EPA, state climate laws, and strengthening national nature laws here. This folder also includes a template for requesting an MP meeting via email.

If you would like further support, we’d love you to join our MP workshop on Thurs 30 May, 6-8pm in West Perth! Register here.

Please be sure to let us know if you secure an MP meeting – it’s important that we collate as much intel for this shared campaign as possible! We’re also very happy to have a chat with you to provide support for these meetings.

Campaign actions:

If you’re in the Boorloo/Perth region, please join us for these upcoming actions to strengthen federal nature laws:

We’ll keep you updated with more resources as they become available soon!

If you would like to get more involved with the campaign to Defend WA’s Nature in your local area, or would like to help on campaign projects as they arise, please get in touch at [email protected] or email Rhiannon, Nature Program Manager, at [email protected].


CCWA General Council Meeting

Reminder that the next CCWA Council Meeting is scheduled as follows:

  • Date:                    22/05/24 (Wed)
  • Time:                    06.00 PM
  • Venue:                 Board Room, 1186 Hay Street WEST PERTH 6005

CCWA’s Annual Conference

Save the Date! Nature First – CCWA Annual Conference, Community Conservation Awards & AGM

When: 13th  & 14th  of November

Where: The Wetlands Centre Cockburn

Don’t forget to add CCWA’s biggest event to your calendar – more information to follow shortly!

At CCWA’s Nature First Conference 2024 we will address the critical environmental challenges faced by Western Australia, focusing on climate change,  ecosystem collapse, protection of waterways, restoration and the impact of renewables on nature. Nature First serves as a platform to increase awareness, facilitate the exchange of knowledge, and provide practical solutions for preventing more habitat loss and restoring and regenerating nature in WA.   

Other Events

CCWA Media Releases

Other events & interesting things

  • Call for Abstracts: The WA Division of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) is pleased to share that opportunities are currently open to environment, heritage and community practitioners to showcase and present your work at the 2024 Environmental Practitioners Symposium.

Held in September 2024 in Perth, the Symposium aims to showcase the incredible and diverse projects occurring across WA. Abstracts can now be submitted for consideration, until 31 May 2024. Whether you are a researcher or practitioner, ranger or scientist, we encourage you to submit an abstract and share your incredible work at the Symposium.

More details can be found on this flyer

That’s it for this month. Please reach out if you have any questions or require any assistance from CCWA for your group.

Yours in solidarity,


 Dylan StorerMEMBERSHIP COORDINATORHe/Him (08) 6558 5155 | Ext ‑ 1001  [email protected] Hay St, West Perth CCWA respectfully acknowledges the Whadjuk People of the Noongar nation, along with the Traditional Owners of all Countries where it works.
​We pay our respects to Elders past and present. CCWA seeks to always walk alongside our Aboriginal partners, recognising their continued connection through land, sea, culture and community.

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